Searching out the gems and promoting sweaters made with natural fibers.
This site is being created with the goal of increasing awareness about the impact our clothing choices have on us and our planet. I hope it becomes a reference point that makes one little category of choice a bit easier – finding the best sweaters!
Shopping in general takes a lot of time, whether it’s online or in real life. Choices are limited at retail stores and choices are endless online. I personally love shopping and even I am constantly frustrated when I’m trying to buy clothes, for myself, for my son, for anyone. I want most of my clothes to be made of natural fibers and this is a surprisingly tall order.
It’s so time-consuming to find the right fit, the right color, the right materials and all in the right price range. When you’ve decided to invest in higher quality clothes, or buy fewer clothes in general, making the right choice becomes more important. If I’m going to spend $200 on one sweater instead of four, I need that one to be awesome and check a lot of boxes. Scrolling through images or clinking through hangers, I only want the gems.
So, instead of being frustrated, I’m sharing my research time and finds in the category of natural fiber sweaters. Sweaters are a staple half the year for most of us and how they’re made makes a huge difference. I hope you’ll share your favorites with me too! This is how we vote for what gets made and what doesn’t. I want all my votes going toward a non-toxic world.
I’m Aubrey Coon by the way. I’m a Woman, a Mother, a Daughter of Heaven and Earth and in general like to think and dream and make and do, most days. I live off-grid outside Nevada City, California with my amazing child and a surplus of manzanita trees. I love all things natural, especially warm sweaters in the extended Fall season affectionately referred to as “Winter” in the Foothills.